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How to use technology to mitigate recordkeeping fines

Authored by EncompaaS - Aug 3, 2023


More information about this webinar

Since the start of 2023, financial regulators have issued more than $2B in fines due to recordkeeping failures ranging from electronic communication surveillance to over retention and misuse of sensitive, personal records. Boards and Management are considering what key actions are necessary.

In this webinar, ICAG Partners and David Gould will take a close look at how organisations could use technology in designing and delivering a successful Records Management program to ensure faster adoption and how to avoid the common pitfalls. They will also review the advances in Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLM) and use cases for effective Records and Information Governance.

Three key takeaways from this webinar

  • Financial Sector organisations need to start using advanced technologies including automatic alerts and recordkeeping compliance models which aren’t in place in many banks, insurance, assets and wealth management firms.
  • Off-channel communication surveillance and records management is really important as recently organisations have been fined more than $2B by the SEC, CFTC, ESMA and the FCA for failure to monitor these.
  • Organisations need to apply a consistent set of records management controls across both Microsoft and non-Microsoft applications. This requires advanced technology solutions in addition to Microsoft Purview and PolicyCenter. Many organisations still do not have a strategy and plan to address this and faces risks of further fines.


David Gould
Chief Customer Officer, EncompaaS

Subas Roy
Chief Executive Officer, ICAG Partners

Kirke Cushing
Executive Director, ICAG Partners

Vidyesh Mishra
Senior Manager, ICAG Partners

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