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Content Cognition to the Rescue

How AI will drive the next wave
of information management innovation

An IBRS special industry study
Proudly sponsored by EncompaaS


As organisations grapple- with the challenges posed by a surge in information, there is a growing belief that AI can offer solutions to manage its impact effectively.


This report explores the perspectives of senior information and technology specialists involved in managing Australian organisations' information assets. It seeks to understand their concerns, strategies, and experiences regarding the potential of content cognition (a specialised area of AI) in addressing the challenges posed by information hyperinflation.

In this Study

  • Understand the issues of senior executives involved in information management as they navigate through the era of information hyperinflation in Australia.
  • Discover the strategies employed to handle the overwhelming influx of data and its management complexities across multiple platforms and new ways of working.
  • Explore the expectations and perceptions of AI, and its potential to address the critical challenges associated with information hyperinflation.


IBRS collected the information for this study via a survey targeting Australian executives who play a role in information management. During this study, IBRS ensured that all participants were deeply knowledgeable about information management and governance. Screening questions were included in the survey to ensure high integrity in the information collection. 721 people took part in the survey. After the screening process, the study had a cohort of 381 participants who demonstrated both a high degree of understanding about contemporary information management and were at a level of seniority where they could influence information management strategy.

Key Findings

25 %

of all information management professionals are certain AI will significantly impact their jobs.​

32 %

of organisations lack or must recreate their information management policy.​​

29 %

of organisations are already considering or experimenting with AI-empowered information management tools.​ ​

50 %

said extracting value and insights from unstructured information was one of their biggest challenges, while 52% identified contracts as a high priority.​ ​ ​

76 %

said they were interested in extracting data from unstructured information.


Content Cognition to the rescue

As organisations grapple- with the challenges posed by a surge in information, there is a growing belief that AI can offer solutions to manage its impact effectively.

This report explores the perspectives of senior information and technology specialists involved in managing Australian organisations’ information assets. It seeks to understand their concerns, strategies, and experiences regarding the potential of content cognition (a specialised area of AI) in addressing the challenges posed by information hyperinflation.

ENC 15054 - IBRS Research Report-Cover Page (rounded v3)

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