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Discover our team:
Sally Craig

Authored by EncompaaS - Feb 12, 2024


Meet Sally Craig, a seasoned Senior Consultant at INFORMOTION, international professional services organisation and proud platinum partner of EncompaaS. INFORMOTION and EncompaaS collaborate to deliver cutting-edge information management solutions. Sally’s dedication to cultivating strong relationships is evident in her commitment to delivering results that elevate both end-user processes and customer experiences.

Who are you and what is your role at INFORMOTION?

I’m Sal, or Sally, and I’m a Senior Consultant for INFORMOTION.

How did you get into this role?

I moved to Sydney in 2014 for my husband’s work and I was contracting at a NSW Government department. During my time there, a colleague of mine was asked to join the INFORMOTION team, and they very thankfully took me along as well. So, I just fell into it, and it has been a great journey so far!

What are you excited about for the future, either professionally or personally?

I’m really excited by the direction that information management is taking.

INFORMOTION is the platinum partner of EncompaaS, who solve complex problems, without the legacy thinking. For example, EncompaaS generates a data quality layer that provides more secure, precise, and efficient utilisation of our customers’ investments in tools like ChatGPT and helps them to get the most out of existing investments like Content Manager.

EncompaaS unlocks the promise that generative AI holds, and it’s exciting to be at the forefront of unlocking the full potential of this technology, in a way that is safer and faster for enterprises.

Is there any exciting trend or development in our industry right now?

Without a doubt OpenAI is transformative and a game changer. The implementation that EncompaaS has embraced within their own platform pushes what can be achieved.

This truly changes what we can achieve for our customers, helping them to leverage their own data and investments in generative AI, without exposing the enterprise to additional risk, or disrupting existing ways of working.

It’s super exciting, as the roles for RIM professionals are changing, but we’re seeing an evolution where they can impact the bottom line and leverage analytics and data to drive better business outcomes.

What advice would you give to someone starting in the information management industry?

Keep an open mind about what’s possible for the future. The way information management has been done in the past has, and will change, dramatically. The pace of change can be challenging.

So, if you’re coming into this space, come with an expectation that it will evolve quickly and bring a hunger to change with it. It’s an exciting and rewarding journey to be a part of!

What hobbies or interests do you have?

I have two sons, a four-year-old and a two-year-old, so I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies anymore haha! But I am a classically trained singer, and so my favorite hobby at the moment is probably belting out Elsa songs in the car with my 4-year-old.

In your own words, what problems does EncompaaS solve?

Right now, I’m personally seeing a lot of cross-repository discovery and helping folks find and organise their data to make sense of it and leverage it for upstream processes.

Especially being able to flag personal information and the kind of high-risk data that is a major concern for organisations. EncompaaS have, as part of their DNA, a commitment to supporting customers on this journey and working together on transformative projects is rewarding.

What’s it like working at INFORMOTION?

It’s fabulous! I have been with INFORMOTION for many years, and I have grown with this company and see it almost as a family. A lot of the people I work with are friends which makes coming to work an awesome experience.

I work closely with the EncompaaS crew and have expanded my way of thinking to help bring out the thoughts of what’s next. It’s fast-paced, exciting, busy, and it’s a pleasure to provide solutions that solve real-world information management challenges.

Sally Craig

Senior Consultant

Want to learn more about Sally's love of Frozen songs, or the exciting developments in our industry? Don't hesitate to reach out to her at [email protected]. Sally would love to connect with you and welcomes any questions or opportunities for support.

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