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The Winds of Change are Shifting

Authored by Sean Burgess - May 21, 2024


The theme couldn’t have been more fitting for the 2024 IRMS Conference – “Tides of Change – Surviving and Thriving in a Sea of Information”.  

Amongst all The Who and ABBA references and bookends of sunshine, the event was full of fantastic sessions and discussions, many of which focused on building strong information foundations. This got me thinking about the Bob Dylan quote: 

“May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change shift…” 

My takeaway from Brighton was that this shift is happening right now and there has never been a more exciting (and challenging) time to be working in the information management world. 

But why? Well… Information management has made a triumphant return to the spotlight, reclaiming its status as a pivotal and exciting field that we always knew it was! A key reason for this is that the focus has shifted to creating a strong understanding of your information and everything that goes with it, or as Kathryn Brooks, Clare Paterson and Luke Beckley so astutely put it in their session, creating a “Data Posture”.  

Another key discussion point centred around the AI imperative and the role of information management in supporting the responsible, compliant and successful adoption of AI. To fuel these concepts and programmes, building a blueprint of your information is arguably the most important element. Every organisation knows they have a sea of information, some of which you may not even know exists! The requirement to control this information will only grow as information spreads to all corners of all applications, and it is now becoming a focus point for senior leaders to build a strong information management foundation. 

The great aspect of being a sponsor wasn’t that we won the Vendor Showcase for the second year running but that we were able to speak with new individuals who are looking to address a diverse set of information management and governance challenges that are being accelerated by new initiatives, such as AI adoption and digital sustainability/ESG: 

  • Federated, compliant retention management 
  • Understanding of personal data footprint  
  • eDiscovery efficiency 
  • Compliant AI adoption 
  • Data cleansing and storage reduction 
  • The emergence of structured data into records management 
  • Lean data strategies for digital sustainability 
  • Entity extraction from content 

In our conversations, all roads led to one major, underlying factor that is preventing success in many of these programmes of work, one of data understanding and not being able to answer four pivotal questions: 

  1. What information do I have? 
  1. Where is it? 
  1. What is its context? 
  1. What is its business value? 

Answering these four questions is paramount in attacking the use cases and challenges of today, as well as preparing for the ones of tomorrow. You can’t build a great building without quality foundations, and this is especially true when it comes to building a foundation of good quality data.  

At EncompaaS, our intelligent information management platform uses next-generation AI technologies to find, enrich, organise and de-risk structured, unstructured and semi-structured content anywhere in the organisation with speed and accuracy for enhanced business results. 

This creates a normalised foundation of high-quality data, which you can use to rapidly mitigate compliance and privacy risks, while unlocking the full potential of your data.  

With the Global Datasphere expected to reach 175 zettabytes in 2025, data control, quality and governance is going to be at the forefront of executives’ priorities more than ever.   

That is why organisations must adopt intelligent platforms that automate their information management practices to not only meet this challenge at scale but survive and thrive in a sea of information.  

The changes in the market from 2023 to 2024 are quite mind blowing and it’s important that we all continue to collaborate and share ideas as we move into the remainder of 2024 and beyond. EncompaaS will be sponsoring the upcoming IRMS Roadshow events and look forward to seeing everyone who will be there. 

Sean Burgess

Sales Lead

I hope you found these insights useful. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and feel free to reach out to me directly: [email protected].

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