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State Government Department Supercharges Data Preparation with EncompaaS

EncompaaS empowers state government department to supercharge data preparation and take advantage of new technologies.



A State Government Department partnered with EncompaaS to streamline its corpus of information and strengthen its Manage-In-Place Information Strategy, establishing a strong foundation to take advantage of new and emerging technologies. 


A state government department, formed as part of an amalgamation of agencies, grew from 5,000 to 15,000 staff resulting in a range of IT system and data complexity challenges. To conduct research and complete council searches, teams needed to login to multiple systems which was time-consuming and inefficient. Once staff found the information they were looking for, they were taking it out of the records management systems where it was compliant and completing the work in OneDrive, contributing to further data sprawl and security concerns. The department needed a streamlined solution to search for information across repositories and effectively manage information in-place. 

Key Pain Points

Multiple Systems 

Staff were traversing multiple systems to search and find information, reducing productivity levels.  

Data Security

Documents were being taken out of their existing records management systems and worked on offline, causing data compliance and security concerns.   

Manual Processes 

The time it took to manually search for information across the department was not sustainable or efficient.  

Expensive Storage Costs 

Increasing data storage costs were impacting on the department’s budget, leading to questions about what data they could get rid of (which could not be answered).  


In order to streamline its corpus of information, the government department engaged EncompaaS to conduct metadata discovery across all of its information storage sites.  

By seamlessly finding, enriching, organising and de-risking the department’s structured and unstructured information in-place, EncompaaS created a normalised, high-quality data foundation, enabling the department to implement automated data governance at scale.  

EncompaaS’ intuitive dashboards now offer comprehensive insights into all SharePoint sites, empowering different business units to make informed decisions about information management. This has laid the groundwork for consolidated, effective information management across the agency and enabled it to determine what information needs to be retained and disposed of, so it can stay ahead of regulatory requirements and fulfill its governance obligations. 

The department’s long-term vision extends beyond compliance. By leveraging EncompaaS’ AI-powered information management solution, the department plans to harness its well-prepared data to take advantage of Generative AI and other emerging technologies successfully in the future. 

Key Benefits & Outcomes

Fast Information Search
Provided a single interface for staff to quickly and easily search for information across repositories.
Increased Productivity
Staff no longer have to traverse multiple systems to search and find information, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
Reduced Risk
Reduced risk by delivering the ability to defensively dispose of sensitive and ROT data, enabling the department to streamline and better understand its corpus of information.
Deeper Understanding of Data
Provided a holistic view of all information across SharePoint sites through interactive dashboards, enhancing visibility and unlocking data value within the agency.
Proactively Manage Governance
Automated data governance policies have enabled the department to manage compliance and privacy risks in-place.