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Rebate Contract Management

Maximize your revenue potential

Visualize your rebate positionincluding correlations and roll-ups – in real-time so you can maximize the revenue potential of every rebate contract.


Rebate Contract Management

Maximize your revenue potential

Visualize your rebate positionincluding correlations and roll-ups – in real-time so you can maximize the revenue potential of every rebate contract.


Our approach

Leverage AI to analyze all regional, national and government rebate contracts, create standardized policies, and eliminate manual processes at scale.

Gain real-time insights through advanced analytics and dashboards, including correlations and rollups, to understand your commercial position and maximize the revenue potential of every rebate contract.  

Leverage AI-powered

the way you manage rebate contracts with EncompaaS Intelligent Document Processing. Automatically inspect all regional, national and government rebate contracts and extract data with speed and accuracy. Empower your teams to focus on strategic decision-making, instead of manual tasks, to supercharge productivity. 

Understand your commercial position

Effortlessly connect the dots between agreement and business performance to spot opportunities faster, make rapid commercial decisions, and  the revenue potential of every rebate contract. Understand your rebate position in real-time with advanced AI-powered analytics and dashboards that effortlessly manages large volumes of contracts. 

Enhance vendor

Strengthen connections with distributors, payers, and government agencies through enhanced rebate contract management. Boost transparency and accountability with accurate and up-to-the-minute information, so you can swiftly identify potential risks and commercial opportunities, whilst ensuring that contract terms are met by all parties.  

See our software in action

Sales and Marketing Dashboard

Identify churn risk and growth opportunities hiding in contracts

Use the interactive map experience to drill down into contracts by location 

Filter by top performing products to view revenue at risk by expiry date 

Inspect products that are due to expire and see their total value 

Product Manager Dashboard

Inspect product demand, performance and rebate trends 

Filter which products you want to analyze in the dashboard 

Select a customer and review order quantity trends 

Compare other top customers’ order quantity trends  

Filter by contract expiry by date and review statistical information 

Legal Manager Dashboard

Highlight potential non-compliance risks in contracts 

Examine contract quantity against total value  

Identify contracts by jurisdiction, filtering by country 

View non-compliant termination periods and legal clauses 

Inspect contract details directly in the EncompaaS platform 

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Andrew Cresp

Bendigo & Adelaide Bank | Chief Information Officer

"EncompaaS empowers Bendigo & Adelaide Bank to comprehensively analyse customer data; enhancing understanding, management, and of services to better meet our customer’s needs."


See how EncompaaS can revolutionize your rebate contract management. ​

Increase efficiency

Save your team hundreds of hours by automating document processes and extraction of insights from complex contracts and master agreements.


Quickly and easily search for relevant information, keep track of key metrics via highly visual dashboards, ensuring you can report on rebate contract performance accurately and efficiently.  

Improve accuracy

Accurately extract and validate data across thousands of contracts, without the risk of human error.


With pre-defined rules in document processing,  EncompaaS Intelligent Document Processing provides greater consistency in capturing critical data such as pricing details, sales volumes and rebate calculations, and reduces the risk of compliance-related issues.  

Leverage AI without risk

The EncompaaS data quality layer automates for sensitive, private and repetitive documents ensuring accuracy


In a matter of weeks, our low-code solution is provisioned in your Microsoft Azure cloud, providing direct access to all contract repositories. In addition to mitigating content risk, your sensitive data never leaves your control or firewall.